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Dearborn Emeritus Division click here to view or download a PDF version of this document

Disclaimer PLEASE read the disclaimer at the end of this document 


All eligible club vehicles entered which are not to be point-judged and have previously won a V-8 Dearborn Medallion Award, and have had a minimum of one walk-around.  The vehicle owner may select this class or the National Chief Judge (or his/her designee) may assign a vehicle to this class. 

Dearborn Emeritus Division Awards

  1. All vehicles that have won a Dearborn Medallion and have had at least one walk-around at a previous National Meet may be entered.
  2. The purpose of this award is to honor the medallion vehicles that have attained walk-around status and the owners that wish to drive and display these vehicles.  The vehicle will not be point-judged.  The National Chief Judge (or his/her designee) will conduct an inspection of the vehicle to assure the vehicle meets the qualifications regarding the condition of the vehicle in general.
  3. All vehicles meeting the requirements of the Dearborn Emeritus Division will be awarded a medal (medallion).
  4. The medal will be similar in size and shape to the Dearborn Medallion.  It may be displayed on a separate plaque/board or on the vehicle’s Dearborn plaque.

Source:  Judging Manual, Early Ford V-8 Club of America

Disclaimer:  The information in this document or web page has been excerpted from the Judging Manual of the Early Ford V-8 Club of America, as published in the annual Roster of Members.  It is intended as a guide for members to increase their understanding and enjoyment of Early Ford V-8 Club National Meets or for assistance to members in preparing a car for entry at a National Meet.  Remember, the official authority is always the Judging Manual and the registration materials provided by meet organizers.