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Early Ford V-8 Club of America

Of the 125 Regional Groups, Those With Underlined Hyperlinks Maintain Web Sites
(Click here for numerical list)

U.S. Regional Groups - Click on Link to Open in New Window
Arizona Iowa Oklahoma
  Phoenix #37   Cedar Valley #77   Oklahoma City #64
  Southern Arizona #61   Central Iowa #145   Tulsa #39
Arkansas Kansas Oregon
  Natural State V-8's #110   Wichita #25   Beaver State #85
California Kentucky   Columbia River #10
  Atascadero #135   Central KY Thoroughbred #72   Crater Lake #142
  Baldy View #88   Derby City #106   Memory Lane #73
  Big Valley #26 Louisiana   Mid-Williamette #9
  Cable Car #125   Bayou State #100   Umpqua Flatheads #82
  Central San Joaquin #29 Maine Pennsylvania
  Diablo Valley #31   Maine Coast #154   Central Delaware Valley #17
  El Dorado #130 Maryland   Greater Pittsburg #48
  Golden Gate #1   National Capital #36   Happy Valley Flatheads #150
  Mission Trail #32 Massachusetts   Hawk Mountain #68
  Mojave Desert #158   Cape Cod #159 Rhode Island
  Northern California #138   New England #5   Narragansett Bay #66
  Palomar Mountain V-8s #148 Michigan South Carolina
  Redwood Empire #27   Dearborn #67   South Carolina # 167
  Sacramento #4  Southern Michigan #126   Upstate #163
  San Diego #19 Minnesota South Dakota
  San Fernando Valley V-8s #40   Twin Cities #46   Eastern South Dakota #166
  Southern California #11 Missouri Tennessee
  Southern San Joaquin Valley #171   Kansas City #55   East Tennessee #15
  Ventura #84   Show Me #104   Volunteer #97
Colorado   St. Louis #124 Texas
  Hi-Country #28 Montana   Big Country #122
Connecticut   Big Sky V-8 #153  
  Connecticut #131 Nebraska   Dallas #115
Florida   Cornhusker #54   East Texas Lazy 8s #144
  Birthplace of Speed #152   Omaha #43   Golden Spread #47
  Gator V-8ers #108 Nevada   Heart of Texas #123
  Gulf Coast #132   Battleborn #12   Houston #50
  Palm Beach #129 New Jersey   Lone Star #6
 Georgia   Garden State #38  
  Alcovy Valley #168 New Mexico   Southern TX #71
  Georgia #24   Tumbleweed #79 Utah
  Lookout Mountain #161 New York   Great Salt Lake #44
  Peach State #160   Central NY Flatheads #155 Vermont
Idaho   Hudson Valley #14   Twin-States #118
 Gem State #65   Long Island #21 Virginia
Illinois   Mohawk Valley #59   Northern Virginia #96
  Central Illinois #51   Upstate NY #147   Virginia #13
  Greater Rockford #105   Western New York #3 Washington
  Northern Illinois #8 North Carolina   Cascade #57
  Spoon River #113   Blue Ridge V-8 #146   Inland Empire #23
Indiana   Central Carolina #16   Puget Sound #18
  Indiana #56   Piedmont #52   Yakima Valley #114
  Northwest Indiana #69 Ohio Wisconsin
  Auburn Blue Ovals #169   Northern Ohio #20   Badger State #35
    Ohio #141  Northeast Wisconsin #87
International Groups - Click on Link to Open in New Window
Argentina Canada Norway
  Argentina V-8 Club #164   Southern Ontario #149    Norway #102
Australia    Vancouver Fraser Valley #120 Sweden
  New South Wales #143    Vancouver Island #109    EFV8 Club of Sweden #58
  Queensland #157 Denmark United Kingdom
  South Australia #94    Danish #136    United Kingdom #127
  Victoria #151 New Zealand
  Northern New Zealand #103
    Southern Kiwi #117

Send mail to webmaster@nirgv8.org with questions or comments about this web site.

Last Modified: October 01, 2024